Just wanted to share with ya some of the cool stuff I came across on a thrifting trip:)
This shade I just love! It was all wrapped up in bubble wrap and tucked in a corner:)
I was thinking I would hang it above the crib.
I'm gonna put the wire plant hanger in Katiera's room for some of her favorite stuffed animals:)
Another wire basket- not sure what I'm doing with it yet...
Then there was that pink embroidered bag.
Max thinks it cute;) lol
Front and Center some ramekins.
Then there is the locker type basket for Shane's room.
Oh forgot about the glass juice bottle/jug.
A little closer look at the bag.
And that white shelf in the background I forgot to put it in the picture, is for Katiera's room as well. It needs a little or alot of TLC:)