Thursday, February 19, 2009


This card game is awesome fun!! It's like solitaire but with a bunch of people and it's really fast paced so fun:) You have to be able to think fast and move quick or someone might get their card down first! My family was over for my birthday perfect opportunity! Of course i have to put a picture of the cake my hubby made for me:) Deep Fried Pumpkin Cake with an Orange Cream Cheese Frosting....yum-o;) lol (thats for you Michelle!)

Pretty intense:)

Hands flying!

Lily gets pretty into games!

Apparently so do I? LOL

getting ready for another round

Fun Fun Fun:)


NNA said...

It's cool to see others that know about Nerts. You should definitely check out , the site for the National Nertz Association. There is a bunch of interesting Nertz information, videos, and photos there AND you can play Nertz on-line for free. I recommend it to all Nertz players! So cool. =)

Kristi said...

You didnt post how you play the game..thats a pretty impresive cake that your husband made..i get store bought:)